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Asma Alghayb
Asma Altahr Abdallha Alghayb

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The Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Zintan, Faculty of Education, Yafran, is proud to offer a high-quality educational program that seeks to develop students and achieve their excellence in the fields of mathematics and statistics.

The department is distinguished by a group of distinguished professors and experts in the field, who seek to provide education in the best ways and with the latest methods and techniques.

The college seeks to provide an appropriate educational environment that helps students develop their skills and knowledge in the field of mathematics and statistics, and prepares them to participate in the labor market and contribute to the development of society.

We are proud of our graduates who have the ability to solve problems effectively and build cooperative relationships in the work environment.

We encourage students to continue their education and continue their professional development, and we believe that they will be able to achieve success and excellence in their professional lives.

The Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Zintan, Faculty of Education, Yafran, is a leading center in teaching mathematics and statistics, and we are excited to see the success of our students and achieve their professional dreams.

Head of Department

Asma Alghayb


The Department of Mathematics and Statistics is the department that studies the mathematical and statistical foundations and concepts used in data analysis and inferring results. This department is considered one of the most important scientific departments in many universities and academic institutions, as it provides students with a deep understanding of mathematical and statistical concepts and how to apply them in different areas of life. The Department of Mathematics and Statistics covers a range of topics such as algebra, mathematical analysis, statistics and probability, and geometry. The department also encourages research and innovation, and provides opportunities for students to develop their mathematical and analytical skills through problem solving and research projects.


The Department of Mathematics and Statistics aspires to achieve a distinguished position at the local and regional levels in the field of preparing mathematics and statistics teachers.


The Department of Mathematics and Statistics is committed to meeting quality standards in preparing, qualifying and graduating a mathematics and statistics teacher who is capable of performing his educational and applied mission with efficiency, distinction and sophistication, adhering to ethical values, ideals and educational principles.


1. Working on preparing qualified scientific cadres to work in educational institutions.

2. Developing cognitive and research capabilities in the field of mathematics and statistics and their teaching methods.

3. Contributing to serving the community and the surrounding environment through mathematics and statistics.

4. Working according to quality standards and improving performance in graduating distinguished scientific cadres.